Monday, September 28, 2009

Other Than Wordstock

For reasons that have only been vaguely alluded to as yet, this year's 12 started a few months later than usual, and as a result 12.6 has spent the first 2 months working entirely on Wordstock. We were given the brief exactly 3 days after we started school, with around 75 days till the actual event.

In a little over two months, we crammed a lot of learning into a short period of time, a lot of ideas into a lot of presentation decks, a lot of food puns onto buttons, a lot of it into wordholes. And hopefully in the end, we will succeed in cramming a lot of literary omnivores into the Oregon Convention Center.

In between moments, in the"interstitial spaces," we've managed to have some laughs, make some stuff, and get taped saying a lot of stupid crap. Here's a quick sampling:

Super tiny happy hour at 50 Plates

Jamie is practicing for later

Our blood is Wordstock Red

And then Mike was born and we celebrated.

"Hey, remember when Mike was from the future?" "No."

Roof beers

Trying not to be creeped out that Ris is dressed like a woman at his photo shoot.

More roof beers

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