Tuesday, July 1, 2008

bees, books, n' booze

when WK was attacked by swarms of bees yesterday morning, we thought the apocalypse was coming.

apparently the bees lost their queen and followed her scent to the shrubbery on our rooftop and then smashed themselves against her queenly odour.
a beekeeper was called and came and took most of the bunch away and is going to enslave them to make honey for himself and his beekeeper wife. they say that the bees should produce honey for them in a year.

(for those of you who don't know, there is currently a crazy honey bee shortage, i'm sure he was stoked!)

after weeks of work, 12 finished our first real deck for Wordstock. hurrah! (is this the first time we've posted work on here?)


at 4 o'clock, we all ran up to the roof for michael illick's art show Scott Phillips: A Life. scott is an account dood here and i guess mike's been drawing him for quite a while and eventually made enough sketches to warrant a kickass hoopla of an art show.

introducing will: our shining englishman. we finally got our 13th this past sunday. at long last, 12 is complete.

rob's BFF from high school. they also went to school with this guy.

drinks were had...

and scott tattoos were generously doled out.


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