Friday, March 20, 2009

Simones relation to Kim Jong Il

In Simone's privileged upbringing she went to many private schools... it wasn't until the 7th grade she learned the difference between "good touch and "bad touch". For the past year we have known her, she rambles on about going to the same school as Kim Jong Il's son.. or one of his sons. Every time a hilarious reference to the fearless leader is mentioned, Simone tried to work in her relation to the next leader of North Korea... clearly the coolest Korea.

If you can read French or Armenian click on these images and see for yourself that Simone was best friends with Chol Pak, and would share her lunch with him. He only spent one year at this school, he was moved to another school under another name. In this article you will see his only memory of the United States is a little blond girl he called SiSi. Simone still maintains the puffy burn on her bicep is from a fishing accident and not the permanent symbol of her dedication to North Korea and her role as Supreme Emperoress when Chol Pak takes his place as owner of North Korea.

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